Bingara Central measuring up well

November 17, 2017

Community members at last Wednesday evening’s Bingara Central School Presentation night heard some good news regarding the school.

Student leaders, Primary Vice Captain, Phoebe Craddock, School Captain Angelica Frewen, and Primary Captain, Brock Galvin with Mrs. Wall.

2018 Student leaders, Primary Vice Captain, Phoebe Craddock, School Captain Angelica Frewen, and Primary Captain, Brock Galvin with school principal Mrs Wall.

“As a school, we recently have undergone an external validation process in which schools are measured against the School Excellence Framework,” School Principal, Brooke Wall said. “This process has provided us with feedback for our 2018-2020 School Plan, but also highlighted our successes as a school.  In particular, our value added student performance data has been identified as sustaining and growing. This data highlights that our students have demonstrated expected growth or exceeded expected growth in all areas of NAPLAN and the HSC.”

“Targeted areas include Reading, Writing and Numeracy. In Reading and Numeracy, we had students from each Year group performing in the top two bands and 80% or above achieving at or above the national minimum standard. In writing, top bands were achieved in Years 3 and 7 with 50% of the Year 3 cohort performing in the top two bands. In Year 5 13/14 students have achieved at or above the national minimum standard and in Year 9, 10 out of 17 students exceeded their expected growth”.

“Our staff are proud of this positive trend in data from 2016-2017 and with the efforts of our teaching staff, our strong and passionate P&C, the support of our parents and community we expect to continue on this pathway,” Mrs. Wall said.