Getting into the spirit of things

July 20, 2011

The HACC office has well and truly brought out their decorating imagination to get into the festive swing  for this weekends Orange Festival. Decorating their office window with a massive orange in a basket, the HACC office was the first of all the shops in Bingara to decorate their shop front.

HACC off ice Bingara
Through a Picasso eye one can imagine this window decoration is a giant orange in a basket, or (perhaps an orange with a giant smiley face.

Employee of HACC, Lenore Kennedy said that the HACC office was reusing last years float decorations. “When the parade got cancelled last year we just decided to keep all the decorations,” she said. To their credit, this recycling effort made for a very colourful shop window. The challenge is now on to see who can top this creative piece of window art.