Gwydir 2030 takes the next step

April 12, 2016

In introducing two recent workshops, Garry McDouall said that whilst our community has been extraordinarily successful in achieving many aspects of the 2020 Vision, we had perhaps not progressed some of our people issues as well as we might.

The purpose of the workshops is to help build our community capacity – our skills, our passion and motivation, and our ability to get on and do things – working with our heads, hearts, and hands.

Sixty residents from across the Shire and from all ages and all walks of life have had a lot of fun building skills in communication, facilitation and leadership.

The workshop facilitator – Dr.Amanda Cahill of The Centre for Social Change in Brisbane, commented, “In every community there are so many amazing skills and resources. The trick is to get people to recognise the hidden wealth that isalready there. This, in turn inspires and motivates people to work together with what they’ve got. The communities that can do this are not only better able to meet challenges, but really thrive in a rapidly changing environment.”

Amongst many exercises was the “glass half-full, glass half-empty” comparison. If we list all the things which are wrong with our community, then we become negative, we lose energy, we start to think it’s somebody else’s problem, and it all becomes too much.

However, if we identify all the positive and wonderful things about our community, then we in turn become positive, energised and excited, it unites us and we will work with what we have.

Starting with the Gwydir Summit held last November, and progressed by these workshops, the process of identifying what sort of future that we want by the year, 2030 has made a very constructive and positive start.

Many ideas are now on the table.

BCS students displaying their vision

Drawing of Vision from Bingara Central School student Erica Dixon assisted by Gabby Rampling.

A critical part of the process is to engage with young people, who are our future. Over thirty students from Warialda High School and Bingara Central School attended the workshops.

All were enthusiastic in identifying many things that they want to build onin order ensure that their towns have a great future.

Among their main priorities were good health services, more small businesses, great sporting facilities, and keeping the friendly and caring community where everyone knows everyone.

It is envisaged that much work needs to be done in engaging the community so that everybody has their input into the new vision. This will take place over the next six months.

If you would like to be part of designing this process and/or participating in it, then please contact:

Bingara and District through Vision 2020:

  • John Bishton 0418 283 127
  • Philippa Morris 6729 7213
  • Garry McDouall 0428 834 281
  • Chris Smyth 0428 684 447

Warialda Community:

  • Peter Hancock or Ann Willis 0428 291 902

“The Journey North” – North Star, Coolatai, Croppa Creek:

  • Bernadette Allport 0427 763 161
  • Judi Earl 0409 151 969


  • Philippa Morris 6729 7213