Bingara Garden Club was established in 1989 as a self funded community organisation incorporated with Garden Clubs of Australia and currently has about 50 members.

BGarden_logoThe Club’s motto is “Friendship Through Gardening” and the Club strives to encourage and promote gardening and beautification of the town.

Outdoor meetings are held, often in private gardens to discuss, plan and share experiences and enjoy inputs from specialist speakers on the fourth Thursday of each month, except January.

A trading table operates in season and members are encouraged to bring small saleable items for fundraising. A raffle item is donated for each meeting and gardening tips presented. Group excursions to other centres are undertaken from time to time.

The Garden Club conducts a monthly “drive by encouragement award,” and liaises with Touriandi,  Hospital, RSL, School and Shire on matters of interest where they can be of assistance. Touriandi residents receive gifts of flowers in acknowledgement  and celebration of their birthdays.

New members are always welcome.

Alec Lucke (President)
Tel: (02) 6724 0095  |  Email:

Jan Rose (Secretary)
Tel: (02) 6724 1240    Email:

Bingara Riverside Caravan Park