‘A Beer Hall in Bingara’: A chance to celebrate the past, and plan the future!

September 6, 2015

In 2005, Bingara and District Vision 2020 was formed with an initial charter to develop a ‘vision’ for Bingara & District, looking towards the year 2020. An extensive process of community consultation and engagement took place in partnership with the newly formed Gwydir Shire Council.

As a result, the ‘Regeneration’ document was presented in 2006. Many exciting predictions, projects and concepts emerged from that document, to make the ‘vision’ become reality. The process and the resulting projects, helped Bingara and District earn a reputation as a progressive and ‘switched-on’ community.

It is now time to revisit this process with a special celebration. Ten years have gone by, and we are just five years away from 2020. It is time to reflect on the past, to look a bit further into our future, and consider a new vision for our community, for the year 2030.

It was at a dinner, held at the Roxy Theatre in Bingara, ten years ago, that the first ‘Vision’ process was launched. Legendary brewer, Chuck Hahn presented ‘Ales & Tales’, an informative evening of how beers are crafted and how they match up with various foods. The night was great fun, and informative, with some amazing tastes.

On Thursday, September 24, 2015, the Lion Co team, brewers of the famous James Squire range of craft beers, will be back in Bingara. This event is being staged as “A Beer Hall in Bingara”, and once again the art and craft of blending and brewing, will be matched with some wonderful local foods and combined with great yarns and good humor. A unique ‘Pecan Brown Ale’ is being especially brewed to provide a link in with one of our district’s great agricultural products.

The inaugural President of Vision 2020, Garry McDouall will give a summary of the Vision process and reflect on the achievements of the last ten years. Tim Knight, from Lion Co, will introduce each of the dinner courses, and the beers that have been selected to match each course. John Bishton, the current Vision 2020 President, will outline the pathways to be taken to consider Vision 2030

All and everyone, interested in community celebration and progress, are invited to attend.

  • TICKETS: General Admission (not allocated seats)
    – (18 years and over)  $45.00 per person, includes the five courses and the beer tasting.
  • Bookings are available through Bingara Visitor Information Centre 02 6724 0066
Book Now! Contact: Vision 20/20
Rick Hutton: 0428 255 380 
E:  faysons@northnet.com.au or
Erik Ozols: 02 6724 1629
E:  enozols@bigpond.net.au

Submitted by Rick Hutton on behalf of Bingara and District Vision 2020
Ph: 0428 255 380 .