Changing landscape at Touriandi Lodge

August 25, 2008

With the extensive foundation work completed at Touriandi, the framework for the new section of the building is now being erected. Commenting on the progress of the much needed facility, Board President, Kevin Hansen said “The Touriandi Board has worked hard on this project and we are beginning to see something tangible for our labours. The building is progressing well at present. We anticipate that it will be finished on time,” he said.

Some of the progress being made on the Touriandi extensions.

The framework for the Administration section of the new building is now being put in place. This will connect the present hostel building to the new ten bed wing which includes the visitors’ accommodation. The lower level of the extension includes a large meeting room and a garden shed.

“It is gratifying to see the building finally taking shape,” Mr Hansen said. “This is particularly important, given the ever inceasing demand for facilities like this.

We are delighted to see the Touriandi facility expand because it will allow more local residents to remain in the community where their family and friends live.”