Extension to Roxy ideas shopfront

July 16, 2016

A busy end to last week has led Vision 2020 to extend the Roxy Café Shopfront for another week.

It will now open next Thursday and Friday 10am to 4pm. It will continue to be manned by volun­teers.

There have been many valuable ideas expressed by both residents and by visitors. These are currently pinned on the ideas board, and will shortly be taken down and turned into this community’s vision for the future.

“We plan to offer this material to other communities throughout the shire, who we believe will choose to do something similar. At the end of this process we will have enough input to create a vision for the whole of the Shire,” Vision 2020 Vice President, Garry McDouall said.

Why do this?

Firstly, the proof is in the pud­ding. The Vision 2020 process has contributed to an extraordinary range of achievement by our com­munity. Come and have a look at the “movie” at the Roxy Café, which celebrates just some of those achievements.

Secondly, if we know where we want to go, then we have a very good chance of getting there. If we just drift (as so many rural commu­nities have done), particularly at a time of rapid change, then we will not create the future that we want, and we may well go backwards.

Practically, having a clear vision helps put real substance behind funding applications.

The great majority of this com­munity’s funding comes, not from ratepayers, but from external funders, particularly State and Fed­eral government.

A visit last week from Binga­ra Central School’s Civics class showed a strong demand for a mountain bike track. This happens to coincide with the view of a num­ber of visitors, that Bingara could become the adventure capital of NSW.

Why not create a challenging mountain bike track, building on our natural advantages, doubling as part of a circuit catering for a number of sports and events – apparently there is a growing demand worldwide for “out there” adventure experiences.

So – this is your last chance to contribute to the ideas shopfront. Please come and help define our fu­ture.