Time to think big!

May 3, 2008

Gwydir Shire Council has made a brave decision in agreeing to support Vision 2020’s Bingara Farm Gardens concept plan in the 2008 – 2009 Draft Budget, not least because there will be plenty of detractors.

The concept was described as "visionary" at the recent Council meeting and indeed for most people, the idea of converting the common into a huge garden seems impossible. However, dreams can become reality. It just takes enough people to believe in the idea to make it happen.

Government funding has been approved to assist in drawing up the concept plan and further funds will no doubt be available from outside sources because funding exists for innovative, exciting projects.

It will be up to the people of Bingara whether this project proceeds beyond a plan because the Council has said it will not put any more funding towards it, if there is not significant public support.

Now is the time for the community to imagine how the Common could look. It is also the time to discuss how the community wants it to look. Vision 2020 has put forward some ideas but the community needs to become involved, so that the project becomes one that the whole town and district supports.

It is also important to accept that the tourist dollar is going to become increasingly valuable to communities like Bingara’s and that there is a need to do all that is possible to keep the tourists coming. To achieve this, we need more than the beautiful Gwydir River. Bingara Farm Gardens could be a major tourist attraction, as could the other visionary idea of making Bingara an alternative powered town.

It’s very easy to be negative. It’s very easy to dismiss new ideas. What about taking the time to consider what some of these wild ideas could do for Bingara.

Compliments of The Bingara Advocate