The ‘Wider Gwydir’ 13 years on

November 20, 2017

For the last two years Vision 2020 has been working with communities throughout Gwydir to generate ideas for the future of our shire.

This process has included the Wider Gwydir ‘Summit’ held in Warialda, Shopfronts in Bingara and Warialda, the ‘Presidents’ night in Bingara, community training with Amanda Cahill and many formal and informal discussions. Many of the ideas generated have already found their way into the Gwydir Shire Council strategic plan.

‘Wider Gwydir’ was officially launched by Adam Marshall at the ‘Disruption, Change and Opportunity’ dinner held in The Roxy in June.

Since then a great deal more work has been done to fine tune the Wider Gwydir 2030 document, and this will be presented at the Vision 2020 AGM to be held on Thursday November 30, upstairs at The Roxy at 6pm.

Formalities will be followed by ‘highlights’ of the Vision, then a finger food dinner and drinks.

Sections of the document will be published in The Bingara Advocate and The Warialda Standard over the next few weeks, and into the New Year, beginning this week.

“The idea is to stimulate discussion, and a sense of excitement for what the future holds – and it is very exciting indeed!” Vision 2020 Vice Chairman, Garry McDouall said.

“Bingara and district, and now Wider Gwydir are one of the very few communities in Australia to have undertaken this process – to determine the future that we want, rather than to have our future determined by others.  The result is clear in our achievements, and in the general positivity and prosperity of our communities,” he concluded.